A new nematode species, Brasilaimus lombardoi sp. n., (Actinolaimidae, Dorylaimidae) and the male of Amphidelus boa Andràssy, 1968 (Alaimidae, Enoplida) from Equador
M. Clausi
M. T. Vinciguerra
The new nematode species Brasilaimus lombardoi (Actinolaimidae, Dorylaimida) and the male of Amphidelus boa Andnissy, 1968 (Alaimidae, Enoplida), both from Ecuador, are described. B. lombardoi sp. n. is characterised by a cuticle with 14-18 prominent and broad longitudinal ridges among which there are secondary fine, irregularly arranged, longitudinal ridges; it has lip region truncate-conoid, high, slightly set off from the adjoining body; odontostyle 20-26 pm long; pharynx with glossa; female reproductive apparatus didelphic, vulva longitudinal, vagina lacking sclerotized pieces, with the refractive part large, thick-walled, conoid, and the proximal part smaller; male supplements in two fascicles of 7 -9 and 8-11 respectively, and numerous pseudo-supplements; copulatory hump well developed; tail elongate conoid with pointed terminus in female and short and round in male. Brasilaimus lombardoi sp. n. differs from all the other species of the genus by having primary and secondary ridges in the cuticle and in the low number of primary longitudinal ridges. The male of A. boa, found for the first time, is similar to the female in most respects; it is monorchic, with straight, transversally directed, spicules 0.6 cloacal body widths long; it has two ventral precloacal papillae, sperms ovoid, 0.2-0.3 cloacal body widths long and convex-conoid, ventrally curved tail, with finely rounded pointed tip.