Influence of four plant extracts on the hatching of Meloidogyne javanica and invasion of host roots
S. N. Nandal
D. S. Bhatti
Inhibition of Meloidogyne incognita juvenile hatch is reported to be caused by root-exudates of Euphorbia hirta (Yadav, 1970), Azadirachta indica (Alam e/ al., 1975) and aqueous leaf, stem and root extracts of Tagetes minuta (Toida, 1972). In a preliminary test, leaf extracts of 30 plant species were studied for their nematicidal effect on M. javanica juveniles (Nandal and Bhatti, 1983). Four weeds [Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br., Datura stramonium L., Ricinus communis L. and Xanthium strumarium L.] were found to be nematicidally effective and studied further. This paper reports the effect of leaf extracts on hatching, galling and life-cycle development in vitro of juveniles of Meloidogyne javanica (Treub.) Chitw,