Studies on Longidoridae (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) and raspberry ringspot virus spread in some atichoke fields in Greece
F. Roca
G. L. Rana
P. E. Kyriakopoulou
Artichoke plants infected by raspberry ringspot virus (RRV) were found in Greece some years ago (Kyriakopoulou and Bern, 1982). RRV was isolated from plants showing yellow blotches on their leaves and from some without symptoms. Two artichoke strains of the virus, one from Greece and the other from Turkey and serologically different from the English and Scottish strains, were recently studied with regard to biological, physico-chemical and serological properties (Rana et al., 1985). RRV is transmitted in nature by tv,;o Longidorlis species: L. elongatus (de Man) Thorne et Swanger, (Taylor, 1962), and L. macrosoma Hooper (Harrison, 1964). Investigations on the distribution of RRV and its nematode vectors in artichoke fields in Greece were carried out during spring 1984 and the results from these are reported here.