A bisexual population of Longidorus proximus Sturhan et Argo (Nematoda, Dorylaimida) from Greece
F. Roca
During a survey of artichoke fields in Greece, undertaken to investigate the occurrence of nematode vector of a strain of raspberry ringpost virus (RRV) (Rana et ai., 1985), a bisexual population of Longidorus proximus Sturhan et Argo, 1983, was found. As the original description refers to the characters of a German population, in which males were not found (Sturhan and Argo, 1983), the morphometries and description of the Greek population are here given. Nematodes were extracted from soil samples by the Cobb wet sieve technique, killed and fixed in 5% hot formalin and mounted in glycerin on toxicology slides by the slow method. Specimens were measured with the aid of a camera lucida.