Control of Ditylenchus dipsaci, Heterodera carotae and Meloidogyne javanica by solarization
N. Greco
A. Brandonisio
F. Elia
Three field trials were done in 1984 to investigate the feasibilitv of solarization for the control of DityZcnchus dipsaci, Hctcrodcra carotae and McZoidogyne javanica in southern Italy. Control of the first nematode with a 2-8 weeks mulching period was similar to that of 300 l/ha of DD and only 1. 6 0/t) of the nematodes were found after 8 weeks. The hatching of H. carotac in solarized plots was 24-65% compared with 0.2% in the DD treatment. Although there was a substantial decline of M. javanica in the solarized plots, it was not significantly different from the DD treatment and control. Solarization is considered to be an additional and useful method for the control of plant parasitic nematodes particularly in warm climates.