Development of galls induced in Chenopodium quinoa by Longidorus apulus
T. Bleve-Zacheo
M. F. Andres Yeves
G. Zacheo
The plant parasitic nematode Longidorus apulus Lamberti et Bleve-Zacheo (1977) appears to be fairly polyphagous; it has been found in association with various herbaceous plants such as artichoke, potato, chicory, fennel and weeds on which it may cause direct damage by feeding on the roots. Root tip galls induced by L. apulus on chicory showed hyperplasia in the cortex and hypertrophy in the cambial cells (Bleve-Zacheo et al., 1977a). In celery roots a lysigenous cavity was associated with the trophic action of the nematode. Cells surrounding the lysigenous cavity showed pronounced formation of pararnural bodies and conspicuous callose-like deposition, interpreted as wound response (Bleve-Zacheo et al., 1979, 1982). Necrosis or other pathological alterations in weed species caused by L. apulus have not been investigated. In this paper the development of galled root tips and the ultrastructure of modified root cells are described in Chenopodium quinoa parasitized by L. apulus.