Effect of pH an some mineral salts and fatty acids on survival of Xiphinema americanum


  • Z. Malik
  • M. S. Jairajpuri


Many workers have studied the effects of chemicals on nematodes. Stephenson (1945) observed action of fatty acids on Rhabditis terrestris and found it to be highly toxic. Johnston (1959) found similar results on Tylenchorhynchus martini. Sayre et al. (1965) found that the fatty acids were more toxic to Meloidogyne incognita and Pratylenchus penet rans than to the saprophytic nematode, Panagrellus redivivlls. Banage and Visser (1965) observed the effects of fatty acids on a dorylaimid nematode and came to a similar conclusion. Soroczan (1969) while working on Rhabditis sp. concluded that pH range 7.5-8.8 and lower concentrations of mineral salts were suitable for the survival of larvae and the adults of this species. Pitcher and McNamara (1972) observed the eflccts of low concentrations of silver and cupric ions on Pratylenchus penetrans, Xiphinema diversicaudatum and Aphelel1choides ritzemabosi. Husain and Masood (1974) determined survival of Helicotylenchus sp. in organic chemicals while Jairajpuri et al. (1974) observed the effects of pH and mineral salt concentrations on survival of Hopiolaimus indicus, Helicotylenchus indicus, Xiphinema basiri and Mylonchulus minor. In the present work the effect of pH (2-8), mineral salts (copper sulphate, potassium chloride, potassium nitrate and calcium chloride) and fatty acids (formic, butyric, propionic and acetic) on the survival of adults and juyeniles of Xiphinema americanum Cobb have been studied.





