Effect of nitrogen source and rate on the growth of lime seedlings and control of Tylenchulus semipenetrans
T. Badra
M. F. Shafiee
The effect of nitrogen on plant growth is well recognized but nitrogenous fertilizers have also been used as means of nematode control (Clayton, 1950; Walker and Anneliese, 1969; Walker, 1971; Mankau and Mankau, 1975). La Massese et al. (1973) showed that the citrus nematode, Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb, was virtually eliminated from lO-year old clemen tines by an application of 300g/N/tree. Similar investigations have not been made in nurseries and therefore, the work reported here was aimed at the determination of the effect of nitrogen source and rate on the growth of citrus seedlings and the control of parasitizing T. semipenetrans.