Influence of different cropping sequences on soil populations of plant parasitic nematodes


  • M. M. Alam
  • S. K. Saxena
  • A. M. Khan


Crop rotation measures for controlling phytoparasitic nematodes aim to keep the population density of a certain species at low levels incapable of inflicting damage. This is achieved by growing non-susceptible crops in between the periods of growing susceptible crops. Thus, there is always a need to search for plants that could be used in rotation programmes and that are acceptable to growers. Chawla and Prasad (1973) and Khan et al. (1973) have shown that mono culture of some crops resulted in the build up of nematode populations, but proper crop rotation practices reduced the populations to safe levels. In all these studies the crop rotation trials were based on a 3-year rotation programme. Moreover, the crops included were mostly vegetables. In the present study the objective was to determine the effect of different cropping sequences, incorporating some non-vegetable crops spread over 5 years, on densities of plant nematode species naturally occurring in the Aligarh soils.





