Occurrence and control of nematodes affecting carrot crops in Cyprus
J. Philis
In Cyprus about 800 hectares of carrots are grown annually most of which are exported (99%) to the United Kingdom (Payiatas and Papachristodoulou, 1973). The crop is mainly grown in the Morphou and Lyssi areas where a large portion of the crop is usually discarded due to malformation of the tap roots. Work in other countries on carrot nematodes has been limited. Jones (1950) was the first to describe Heterodera carotae Jones, a cyst nematode attacking carrot and wild carrot. In Italy, Lamberti (1971) reported that carrots attacked by H. carotae were unmarketable. In Germany damage to carrots from nematodes is chiefly inflicted by Paratylenchus hamatus Thorne et Allen, Paratylenchus crenatus Loof and Tylenchorhynchus dubius (Biitschli) Filipjev (Weischer, 1961). Hemicycliophora typic a de Man is also a serious pest of carrots in Holland (Oostenbrink, 1960) and Longidorus africanus Merny is known to cause a {{ fangy}} condition of carrots in California, similar to that on sugar beet (Thomason, personal communication). Greco et al. (1974) and Lamberti et al. (1974) using the nematicides DD, Phenamiphos or Dazomet for the control of H. carotae obtained considerable yield increase of carrots with respect to the control. Walrave and Cannegieter (1958) and Philis (1974) used DD for the control of nematodes of this crop with very promising results. The objective of the trials described here was to assess the occurrence of parasItIc nematodes associated with carrot crops in Cyprus and to test the level of control obtained with various nematicides.