South American <I>Oxybelus</I> I. Notes on types of Spinola, F. Smith, Brethes, Pate, and Schrottky (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Crabroninae).


  • Richard M. Bohart


The names of previously described South American species of Oxybelus are listed, annotated, and synonymy given. Nomenclature changes are: brethesi is a new neame for interruptus Brethes 1913; decipiens Brethes 1913 and pamparum Brethes 1913 are synonyms of catamarcensis Schrottky 1909; fritzi is a new name for modestus Brethes 1913; agnitus Brethes 1913 is a synonym of marginatus F. Smith 1856; joergenseni Brethes 1913 is a synonym of paraguayensis Brethes 1909; and tarijensis Brethes 1913 is a synonym of platensis Brethes 1901. Neotypes are established for platensis and catamarcensis, and lectotypes for americanus, argentinus, modestus, marginatus, and tarijensis.


