New country records and annotated checklist of non-Dacini Tephritidae (Diptera) in Bangladesh
Fruit flies, distribution, hosts, taxonomy, Dacinae, Trypetinae, Tephritinae, Phytalmiinae.Abstract
Tephritidae (Diptera) were sampled in Bangladesh between 2019 and 2023 by hand-collecting on bamboo shoots and using traps separately baited with 2-component BioLure (ammonium acetate and putrescine) or torula yeast. We report here results of our surveys that yielded 1,907 specimens of 20 species belonging to subfamilies or tribes other than Dacini. New species occurrence records for Bangladesh include Acroceratitis bimacula Hardy, A. parastriata David and Hancock, Galbifascia soalia (Séguy), and Xanthorrachis annandalei Bezzi (Dacinae, Gastrozonini), Felderimyia fuscipennis Hendel, Ptilona conformis Zia, and Tritaeniopteron tetraspilotum Hardy (Phytalminae, Acanthonevrini), Adrama apicalis Shiraki, Euphranta flavothoracica (David, Hancock and Sachin), and an undescribed species of Euphranta (Trypetinae, Adramini), Callistomyia pavonina Bezzi (Trypetinae, Callistomyiini), and Philophylla fossata (Fabricius) (Trypetinae, Trypetini). Additional records of Acroceratitis ceratitina (Bezzi), Gastrozona fasciventris (Macquart), and G.soror (Schiner) (Dacinae, Gastrozonini), Diarrhegma modestum (Fabricius), Rioxoptilona dunlopi (Wulp), and R. vaga (Wiedemann) (Phytalminae, Acanthonevrini), and Dimeringophrys pallidipennis Hardy and Euphranta cassiae (Munro) (Trypetinae, Adramini), previously known in Bangladesh, also are reported. We provide an annotated checklist of the 31 species of Tephritidae other than Dacini now known to occur in Bangladesh.
Copyright (c) 2024 M. Aftab Hossain, Allen L. Norrbom, Luc Leblanc, Md. Forhad Hossain, Kajla Seheli

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