Eucnemid larvae of the Nearctic region. Part VI: Descriptions of the fifth instar and prepupal larval stages of Stethon pectorosus LeConte, 1866 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae: Eucneminae: Mesogenini), with notes on their biology.
Robert L. Otto
Jeffrey P. Gruber
Descriptions and illustrations of the fi fth instar and prepupal larval stages of Stethon pectorosus LeConte, 1866 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae: Eucneminae: Mesogenini) are provided. These are the fi rst larval descriptions for the genus Stethon LeConte within the subfamily Eucneminae in the Nearctic region. Biological information is provided and comparison with larval morphology of other Eucnemidae is briefl y discussed.