Current disposition of earwigflies, Merope tuber Newman and Austromerope poultoni Killington (Mecoptera: Meropeidae), in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods.
James C. Dunford
Louis A. Somma
David Serrano
We provide the current holdings of Meropeidae in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA). To date, FSCA holds a well-curated collection of extant meropeids representing 17 U.S. states and Western Australia (n = 316 Merope tuber Newman, fi ve Austromerope poultoni Killington). Merope tuber records from Vermont, Texas, and South Carolina are published here for the fi rst time. A total of 298 pinned M. tuber and four pinned A. poultoni; six M. tuber specimens preserved in 95% ethanol; and 12 M. tuber and one A. poultoni sputter-coated with gold-palladium for SEM are available for researchers interested in studying this unique family of insects.