Revision of the genus Acyphoderes Audinet-Serville, 1833, with a brief synopsis of the genus Bromiades Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
A revision of the genus Acyphoderes Audinet-Serville, 1833 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), with a briefsynopsis of the genus Bromiades Thomson, 1864, is presented. Acyphoderes to comprise eight South American species,
Acyphoderes aurulenta (Kirby, 1818), A. abdominalis (Olivier, 1795), A. auricapilla Fisher, 1947, A. crinita (Klug,
1825), A. hirtipes (Klug, 1825), A. rubrohirsutotibialis Tippmann, 1953, A. carinicollis Bates, 1873 and A. amboroensis
Clarke 2013; and Acyphoderes is divided into three informal species groups. A new genus, Ameriphoderes, is proposed
for eleven Mexican and Central American species, Ameriphoderes acutipennis (Thomson, 1860), A. amoena (Chemsak
and Linsley, 1979), A. ayalai (Chemsak and Linsley, 1988), A. bayanicus (Giesbert, 1991), A. cribricollis (Bates, 1892),
A. magna (Giesbert, 1991), A. parva (Chemsak and Linsley, 1979), A. prolixa (Chemsak and Linsley, 1979), A. suavis
(Bates, 1885), A. velutina (Bates, 1885) and A. yucateca (Bates, 1892); and Ameriphoderes is divided into two informal
species groups. Acyphoderes delicata Horn, 1894 is placed in its own genus, Amerispheca. Other new genera are
proposed for the following; Acyderophes for Acyphoderes fulgida Chemsak and Linsley, 1979; Brachyphoderes for
Acyphoderes dehiscens Chemsak, 1997 and A. longicollis Chemsak and Noguera, 1993; Acutiphoderes for Acyphoderes
odyneroides White, 1855; and Anomaloderes for Acyphoderes itaiuba Martins and Galileo, 2004. Acyphoderes sexualis
Bates, 1885 and Sphecomorpha forficulifera (Gounelle, 1913) are moved to the new genus Forficuladeres. Acyphoderes
synoecae Chemsak and Noguera, 1997 from Mexico is treated as a junior synonym of Sphecomorpha vespiventris
(Bates, 1880) from Guatemala. Acyphoderes cracentis Chemsak and Noguera, 1997 from Mexico, and Acyphoderes
violaceus Bezark, Santos-Silva and Martins, 2012 from Costa Rica are placed in the new genus Odontogracilis, together
with two species, Odontocera exilis Fisher, 1947 from Mesoamerica and Odontocera gracilis (Klug, 1825) from
Brazil. Identification keys are provided for the genera, species groups (and the species in each one). All species are
illustrated (both male and female when available). Plates illustrating the following are also provided; types of
abdomen, hind leg, and aedeagus (tegmen and median lobe). Host-flower records are provided for many species.