0381. New records of Aleurolobus Quaintance and Baker and Bemisia Quaintance and Baker (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Korea with an identification key


  • Soo-Jung Suh


Aleurolobus confusus David and Subramaniam and Bemisia lespedezae (Danzig) occurring on Stephanandra incisa (Thunb.) and Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. are newly documented in the Korean fauna of whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Characteristics of these species are briefly redescribed and illustrative photographs and information on their distribution and hosts are provided. A dichotomous key to whiteflies of Korea is given for correct species identification. In addition, the current status of Bemisia takahashii (Danzig) in Korea is discussed based on the results of a survey of the whiteflies of Korea and related papers.


