0188. Review of the species described in <em>Leptostilbus</em> Casey in North America (Coleoptera: Phalacridae: <em>Xanthocomus</em> Guillebeau)


  • Matthew L. Gimmel


The species of Phalacridae (Coleoptera) historically included in Leptostilbus Casey, 1916, are reviewed. Leptostilbus rutilans Casey, 1916, is here designated as the type species of Leptostilbus. The genus Leptostilbus is synonymized with Xanthocomus Guillebeau, 1893, syn. nov., resulting in two new combinations, Xanthocomus concinnus (Casey, 1916) and X. rutilans (Casey, 1916). Lectotypes are here designated for these two species. Acylomus elongatulus (Casey, 1890), comb. nov., formerly placed in Leptostilbus, is excluded from Xanthocomus. A key and illustrations are provided to aid in recognition of the two species of Xanthocomus in North America, and detailed distribution maps are given for both species.


