Supersingular Non-Superspecial Abelian Surfaces in Cryptography


Isogeny-based cryptography
genus 2 cryptography
abelian surfaces

How to Cite

LeGrow, J., Ti, Y. B., & Zobernig, L. (2023). Supersingular Non-Superspecial Abelian Surfaces in Cryptography. Mathematical Cryptology, 3(2), 11–23. Retrieved from


We consider the use of supersingular abelian surfaces in cryptography. Several generalisations of well-known cryptographic schemes and constructions based on supersingular elliptic curves to the 2-dimensional setting of superspecial abelian surfaces have been proposed. The computational assumptions in the superspecial 2-dimensional case can be reduced to the corresponding 1-dimensional problems via a product decomposition by observing that every superspecial abelian surface is non-simple and separably isogenous to a product of supersingular elliptic curves. Instead, we propose to use supersingular non-superspecial isogeny graphs where such a product decomposition does not have a computable description via separable isogenies. We study the advantages and investigate security concerns of the move to supersingular non-superspecial abelian surfaces.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Jason LeGrow, Yan Bo Ti, Lukas Zobernig