Volume 7, Issue 1
Dear Readers,
We are excited to announce the publication of our summer 2023 issue of the Journal of Public Interest Communications. This issue features a practitioner Q & A, a peer-reviewed practitioner case study, and a book review of Prisms of the People.
Led by a dedicated team of editors and editorial board members, JPIC is committed to bridging the gap between academia and industry practice.
With an updated submission process and renewed emphasis on both academic research and practitioner perspectives, JPIC seeks to fill a much-needed gap in public interest communications scholarship.
SUBMIT YOUR WORK! We invite passionate academics and practitioners from all disciplines to contribute to the journal. JPIC seeks four types of submissions: original research; practitioner perspectives; campaign reviews; and commentary pieces.
- Original research articles should offer empirically-based suggestions for communicators and activists working on campaigns or contribute substantially to the theoretical basis of the field.
- Practitioner perspectives should analyze strategies and tactics used by the field, such as best practices, approaches to avoid, or calls for additional analysis of a particular aspect of public interest communications.
- Campaign reviews are analyses of specific public interest communications campaigns that offer critical looks at what worked and what did not work within the campaign.
- Commentary pieces provide a platform for dialogue among practitioners, researchers, activists, and other invested parties in public interest communications.
To submit your work or become involved with JPIC, please visit our website or contact Dr. Joseph Radice at jradice@ufl.edu