Butlerius butleri Goodey, 1929 (Rhabditida) from Iran with the Phylogenetic Position of the Species


  • Ebrahim Shokoohi
  • Hadi Panahi
  • Hendrika Fourie
  • Joaquin Abolafia


A population of Butlerius butleri Goodey, 1929 was isolated from vermicompost in Kerman in the Kerman Province of Iran during a nematode survey that was conducted during 2014. This population of B. butleri is characterized by the presence of a dorsal thorn-like tooth (4 to 5 mm long), long spicules (44 to 47 mm long), gubernaculum (33 to 37 mm or more than half of the spicule length), three pairs of precloacal papillae, five pairs of postcloacal papillae (papillae V3 and V5 comprising three small papillae), and a long filiform tail (304 to 409 mm in females, 312 to 380 mm in males). Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of B. butleri individuals from this Iranian population based on 18S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) sequence placed this species close to Pseudodiplogasteroides compositus (AB597237) and an unidentified Pseudodiplogasteroides species (AB597238). Measurements, illustrations, and the phylogenetic tree, including the position of B. butleri are provided.






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