Survey of Crop Losses in Response to Phytoparasitic Nematodes in the United States for 1994


  • S. R. Koenning


alfalfa, allium cepa, almond, aphelenchoides bessey, apium graveolen, apple, arachis hypogaea, avocado, banana, belonolaimus longicaudatus, blueberry, brassicaceae, brassica oleracea, capsicum frutescens, carica papaya, carrot, carrot cyst nematode, carya illinoensis, cauliflower, celery, cherry, citrus, citrus spp., citrus nematode, coffea arabica, coffee, colocasia esculenta, columbia lance nematode, corn, corn cyst, nematode, crop loss, dagger nematode, daucus carota, distribution, ficus carica, fig, fragaria &times, ananassa, globodera tabacum, glycine max, gossypium hirsutum, guava, helicotylenchus, heterodera carotae, heterodera, glycines, heterodera goettingiana, heterodera schachtii, heterodera zeae, hoplolaimus columbus, hoplolaimus galeatus, ipomea batatas, irish potato, javanese root-knot nematode, juglans sp., lactuca sativa, lance nematode, lettuce, longidorus, africanus, longidorus breviannulatus, lycopersicon esculentum, macadamia integrifolia, macadamia nut, malus sylvestris, medicago sativa, meloidogyne arenaria, meloidogyne chitwoodi, meloidogyne hapla, meloidogyne incognita, meloidogyne javanica, meloidogyne nataliei, mesocriconema ornata, mesocriconema xenoplax, musa paradisiaca, nectarine, needle nematode, nicotiana tabacum, northern root-knot nematode, olea europa, olive, papaya, pear, peach, pecan, paratrichodorus allius, paratrichodorus minor, peanut root-knot nematode, persea americana, persea gramtissima, pistachia vera, pistachio, plant disease loss, psidium guajava, pratylenchus brachyurus, pratylenchus coffeae, pratylenchus neglectus, pratylenchus penetrans, pratylenchus thornei, pratylenchus vulnus, prune, prunus amygdalus, prunus avium, prunus persica, quinisulcius acutus, raspberry, reniform nematode, resistance, rice, root-knot nematode, rotylenchulus reniformis, rubus spp., saccarhum officinarum, soybean cyst nematode, spiral nematode, strawberry, stubby root nematode, sting nematode, stunt nematode, solanaceae, solanum tuberosum, sorghum, sorghum vulgare, southern root-knot nematode, sugar beet cyst nematode, sugar cane, sweetpotato, taro, tobacco cyst nematode, trichodorus allius, triticum aestivum, tylenchorhynchus, tylenchulus semipenetrans, vaccinium, walnut, zea mays, wheat, white-tip nematode, xiphinema americanum, xiphinema index, xiphinema pachtaicum


Previous reports of crop losses to plant-parasitic nematodes have relied on published results of survey data based on certain commodities, including tobacco, peanuts, cotton, and soybean. Reports on crop-loss assessment by land-grant universities and many commodity groups generally are no longer available, with the exception of the University of Georgia, the Beltwide Cotton Conference, and selected groups concerned with soybean. The Society of Nematologists Extension Committee contacted extension personnel in 49 U.S. states for information on estimated crop losses caused by plant-parasitic nematodes in major crops for the year 1994. Included in this paper are survey results from 35 states on various crops including corn, cotton, soybean, peanut, wheat, rice, sugarcane, sorghum, tobacco, numerous vegetable crops, fruit and nut crops, and golf greens. The data are reported systematically by state and include the estimated loss, hectarage of production, source of information, nematode species or taxon when available, and crop value. The major genera of phytoparasitic nematodes reported to cause crop losses were Heterodera, Hoplolaimus, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Rotylenchulus, and Xiphinema.





