Description of the Kona Coffee Root-knot Nematode, Meloidogyne konaensis n. sp.


  • J. D. Eisenback
  • E. C. Bernard
  • D. P. Schmitt


Meloidogyne konaensis n. sp. is described from coffee from Kona on the island of Hawaii. The perineal pattern of the female is variable in morphology, the medial lips of the female are divided into distinct lip pairs, and the excretory pore is 2-3 stylet lengths from the base of the stylet. Mean stylet length is 16.0 [mu]m, and the knobs gradually merge with the shaft. The knobs are indented anteriorly and rounded posteriorly and the dorsal esophageal gland orifice (DEGO) is long, 3.5-7 [mu]m. The morphology of the stylet of the male is the most useful diagnostic character, with 6-12 large projections protruding from the shaft. One medial lip may be divided into distinct lip pairs. A large intestinal caecum often extends nearly to the level of the DEGO. Mean juvenile length is 502 [mu]m, mean stylet length is 13.4 [mu]m, and mean tail length is 58 [mu]m. The tail may be distinctly curved ventrally and the phasmids are located in the ventral incisure about one anal body width posterior to the anus. Key words: host range, Meloidogyne species, morphology, nematode, scanning electron microscopy, taxonomy.





