Feeding Habits in Soil Nematode Families and Genera-An Outline for Soil Ecologists


  • G. W. Yeates
  • T. Bongers
  • R. G. M. De Goede
  • D. W. Freckman
  • S. S. Georgieva


Because research on nematode involvement in trophic interactions, foodweb structure, and biodiversity is constrained by lack of an overview of nematode feeding habits, this outline presents a consensus of current thought on nematode feeding habits. The source of food is fundamental to trophic interactions and provides the basis for our definitions of the essential feeding types: 1) plant feeder, 2) hyphal feeder, 3) bacterial feeder, 4) substrate ingester, 5) predator of animals, 6) unicellular eucaryote feeder, 7) dispersal or infective stage of parasites, and 8) omnivore. Lists of families and genera with their presumed feeding types are given. Major gaps in knowledge of feeding in the smaller tylenchids and many dorylaims are noted. Key words: bacterial feeding, feeding habit, foodweb, fungal feeding, nematode, omnivore, predator, soil ecology, trophic interaction.





