Tylenchulus palustris Parasitizing Peach Trees in the United States


  • R. N. Inserra
  • N. Vovlas
  • A. P. Nyczepir
  • E. J. Wehunt
  • A. M. Golden


Most morphological characteristics of three populations of a Tylenchulus sp. from peach roots in Alabama, Arkansas, and Georgia did not differ from those of T. palustris paratypes. However, some mature females differed slightly from those of T. palustris paratypes from Florida. These mature females were more swollen in the posterior portion of their bodies, and they possessed digitate postvulval body sections with round rather than conoid termini. These morphological variants had a wide postvulval section core (PVSC), as do T. palustris paratypes; they did not differ from the paratypes in other characteristics. Second-stage juveniles and males were less morphologically variable and were not different from the paratypes. No males were found in populations from Alabama and Georgia. The Tylenchulus sp. from three peach sites was determined to be T. palustris. This is the first report of T. palustris on an economically important crop. Key words: Alabama, Arkansas, citrus nematode, Georgia, morphological variability, peach, Prunus persica, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), systematics, Tylenchulus palustris, Tylenchulus semipenetrans.





