Comparison of Fumigant and Nonfumigant Nematicides for control of Meloidogyne chitwoodi on Potato


  • G. D. Griffin


The fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) effectively controlled Meloidogyne chitwoodi on Russet Burbank potato, Solanum tuberosum. There was a maximum of 4% infected and galled tubers from the 1,3-D treatment after 2,028 degree-days with a base temperature of 5 C (DD5). This compared to 66% infected and galled tubers in aldicarb at-plant treated plots. Soil temperature, as determined by DD5, and timing of chemical applications affected the nematicidal activity on M. chitwoodi (P 0.05). Aldicarb was most effective when applied postplant (PP) during the nematode reproductive cycle. After 1,684 DD5 of growth, there were 59, 26, 22, and 6% infected and galled tubers from untreated control plots and aldicarb treatments of 2.1 g/m row at 600 DD5, 2.1 g/m row at 1,228 DD5, and 1.3 g/m row at 600 DD5 plus 2.1 g/m row at 1,228 DD5, respectively. No aldicarb treatments were effective over a growing period of 2,028 DD5; 34% of the tubers were infected and galled following the most effective aldicarb treatment (1.3 g/m row at 504 DD5 plus 2.1 g/m row at 996 DD5). Key words: aldicarb, chemical control, Columbia root-knot nematode, degree-day, 1,3-dichloropropene, Meloidogyne chitwoodi, potato, reproduction, soil temperature, Solanum tuberosum.





