Attempt to Select a Cyst Nematode Population on Soybean Plant Introduction 437654


  • Virgil D. Luedders
  • Sam C. Anand


A method of selecting soybean cyst nematode (Heteroderaglycines Ichinohe) on segregating soybean progeny was evaluated for developing a population capable of reproducing on PI 437654. Direct selection on PI 437654 was not possible, since no cysts developed on it. Cysts were selected for 12 nematode generations on F[sub3] and F[sub4] plants of Forrest x PI 437654. No cysts of the selected population were produced on PI 437654, but more males were produced on it by the selected population than by the base population. The number of cysts on Forrest and other soybean lines considered to have some of the same genes for resistance increased with selection as expected. The increase in number of males on these other lines with some of the same genes for resistance as Forrest was greater than anticipated, indicating that these lines may have some of the same genes as PI 437654. Key words: Glycine max, Heterodera glycines, natural selection, soybean, soybean cyst nematode.





