Descriptions of Four New Species of Criconematoidea (Tylenchina: Nemata) from Southern Chile


  • Dewey J. Raski
  • Adelina Valenzuela-A.


Four new species of Criconematoidea are described from Hoste Island, Chile. Criconema certesi n. sp. is distinguished by the fine, spine-like, cuticular extensions on body annuli; projection of annuli into rows of scales on posterior part of body; single, smooth, labial annulus set off by short collar from second (first body) annulus which is about same diameter as first (labial) annulus. Male with prominent caudal alae, slender curved spicules, and four incisures in lateral field. Ogma terrestris n. sp. is distinguished by small scales with rounded tips bearing minute, short bristles; scales number 21 at mid-body; and first (labial) annulus rounded, not retrorse, not set off from succeeding annuli, narrower in diameter from second (first body) annulus. Hemicycliophora macrodorata n. sp. is distinguished by its large size (L = 1.52 [1.28-1.72] mm); large stylet (146 [127-161] [mu]m); annuli = 297 (280-315); tail slightly spicate, lateral field with or without interruptions of incisures, occasional anastomoses; and males with U-shaped spicules. Paratylenchusfueguensis n. sp. is distinguished by its prominent stylet with large, rounded knobs (4-5 [mu]m across); cephalic region rounded not at all set off; lateral field with four incisures; lateral vulvar membranes present; and male tail short, strongly curved (almost 180º) ventrad. Key words: Criconema certesi n. sp., Hemicydiophora macrodorata n. sp., Ogma terrestris n. sp., Paratylenchus fueguensis n. sp., taxonomy.





