Effects of One and Two Applications of Nematicides on Nematode Populations and Soybean Yields


  • N. A. Minton
  • M. B. Parker
  • C. E. Perry


Yields of 'McNair 800' soybeans, Glycine max (L.) Merr., were significantly increased with ethylene dibromide + chloropicrin, DBCP, phenamiphos, and aldicarb applied at-planting and with phenamiphos, aldicarb, and DBCP applied postplant to soil infested with Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood. Yields of 'GaSoy 17' were significantly increased with ethylene dibromide + chloropicrin, DBCP, phenamiphos, and aldicarb applied, preplant and with DBCP, carbofuran, phenamiphos, aldicarb, and DBCP applied postplant to soil infested with Hoplolaimus columbus Sher. In several instances, preplant or at-planting treatments plus postplant treatments with the same or different chemicals were more effective than either treatment alone. Generally, the fumigants were more effective than the nonfumigants when they were applied at-planting to M. incognita-infested soil and preplant to H. columbus-infested soil. Phenamiphos, aldicarb, and DBCP were about equally effective when they were applied postplant in M. incognita-infested soil, but DBCP was more effective than carbofuran. Carbofuran, phenamiphos, aldicarb, and DBCP were about equally effective when applied postplant to H. columbus-infested soil. Key Words: Meloidogyne incognita, root-knot nematode, Hoplolaimus columbus, Columbia lance nentatode, Glycine max, soybean, chemical control.





