Relationships Between the Population Density of Meloidogyne incognita and Growth of Tobacco


  • S. B. Hanounik
  • W. W. Osborne
  • W. R. Pirie


Seedlings of tobacco cultivars resistant (NC95) and susceptible (McNair 30) to Meloidogyne incognita were grown in 15-cm diameter clay pots containing steamed soil infested with 0, l, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 eggs of M. incognita per 1.5 cm³ soil. Plants were maintained in the greenhouse for 3 weeks, and then transferred to the field for 12 weeks. Growth of tobacco was expressed separately as dry weight of leaves and as plant height. Least squares regression analysis showed that tobacco growth-nematode density interactions are in agreement with Seinhorst's exponential model Y = m + (l-m) cz[supp]. Tobacco growth was not affected significantly as nematode density was increased from 0 to tolerance levels, which were approximately 2 and 1 eggs per 1.5 cm³ soil for the resistant and susceptible cultivars, respectively. As nematode density was increased beyond tolerance level, tobacco growth decreased sharply until a minimum yield was approached. The minimum leaf weights and plant heights of the resistant cultivar at the highest nematode density were greater than those of the susceptible cultivar. Key Words: Initial nematode density, resistant and susceptible cultivars, exponential function,





