Some Ultrastructural Changes Induced in Resistant and Susceptible Soybean Roots Following Infection by Rotylenchulus reniformis


  • R. V. Rebois
  • P. A. Madden
  • B. J. Eldridge


A developmental electron microscopic study of the parasitism of Rolylenchulus reniforrnis in resistant 'Peking' and susceptible 'Lee' soybeans was made during a 21-day period under controlled conditions. Within 2 days of inoculation, the nematode had penetrated the cortical cells to the endodermis where it inserted its stylet, secreted and initiated syncytial formation and cell hypertrophy. Syncytia primarily involved pericycle tissues and, to a lesser extent, xylem parenchyma and endodermis. When identifiable, the cell into which the nematode stylet was inserted to initiate syncytia[ development was endodermal. Susceptible tissues exhibited two basic phases of development during this infection period: (i) an initial phase represented by partial cell wail lysis and separation; and (ii) an anabolic phase, characterized by organelle proliferation and development accompanied by secondary wall deposits, which provided nutrition for sessile female development. The resistant or hypersensitive reaction (HR) lacked the anabolic phase found in the susceptible reaction, and was characterized by an extension and usually accelerated type of Iysis found in the first phase of the syncytial development. The HR was usually very evident 4 days after inoculation, and could be identified by an almost complete lysis of the cell walls and cytoplasm. The possibility that the initial cell of the developing syncytium or "prosyncyte" may influence a susceptible or resistant reaction is discussed. Successive stages of cell wall dissolution and the deposition of secondary cell walls are described. Key Words: reniform nematode, Glycine max, syncytia, cell wall, boundary formation, wall lysis, wall deposits.





