Studies on the Host-finding Mechanisms of Neotylenchus linfordi


  • J. W. Klink
  • V. H. Dropkin
  • J. E. Mitchell


The plant-parasitic nematode, Neotylenchus linlordi, congregated around colonies or filtrates from mycelia of Gliocladium roseum, Rhizoctonia solani, Pyrenochaeta terrestris and Chaetomium indicum. The average time required for the nematodes to reach the fungal colonies ranged from less than 4 hr for G. roseum to 20 hr for R. solani. Nematodes first circled near the point of introduction, then moved toward the fungus or filtrate. Several methods of measuring the response of N. linfordi to G. roseum culture filtrate were evaluated. The response was strongest when the test materials were assayed on an agar disk submerged in water agar and the introduced nematodes suspended in agar in a center well midway between the test materials. Filtrates obtained from cultures of G. roseum incubated between 12 and 21 days in potato dextrose broth, were most active. The attractants were small thermostable molecules, soluble in methyl alcohol and unaffected by pH. A yellow pigment with properties similar to a mixture of aurantiogliocladin, rubrogliocladin, and gliorosein was shown to be one of the active materials. The response of N. linfordi to the G. roseum filtrate was not associated with any nutritive factors which would result in reproduction. Key Words: Neotylenchus linlordi, Host-finding, Nematode attraction, Assay technique, Fungal nematode attractants.





