Effects of Seawall Slopes on Scour Depth


  • Sheng-Wen Twu
  • Wei-Miu Liao


Front slope, scour depth, seawall, short-crested wave, Ursell parameter.


This paper is aimed to study effects of seawall slopes on the scour depth in front of seawalls. The study was performed by conducting a series of three dimensional hydraulic tests to produce short-crested waves, which is significant in the scour in front of the structure.

The scour depths in front of seawalls with varied front slopes were surveyed in the laboratory under different wave conditions. Results showed that the scour depth is closely related to the Ursell parameter and the front slope of the seawall. Besides, it is indicated that the scour depth in front of the seawall with front slope of tan θ = 1/4 is much less than that with tan θ = 1/2 or 1/3, but is only slightly more than that with tan θ = 1/7. Since the seawall with tan θ = 1/7 possesses much larger section than that with tan θ = 1/4, the latter is suggested as a favourite option for the front slope of the seawall.


