Coastal Geomorphology at the Falsterbo Peninsula, Southern Sweden


  • Sten Blomgren
  • Hans Hanson


Coastal morphology, Falsterbo Peninsula, numerical modeling, sediment transport


The objective of this work is to explain the presence and shape of certain morphological features along the practically tideless coast of the Falsterbo Peninsula, and to validate to what extent numerical modeling of nearshore waves can assist in the interpretation. Clear indications that the peninsula has not yet reached its equilibrium shape are found. The island of Maklappen will become totally integrated with the peninsula, and the two sand-tongues on the south coast will eventually join and establish a new coastline. Then, processes similar to those which once created the peninsula, will fill the lagoon within. Both the joining of the two sand-tongues and the integration of Maklappen can be related to dumped dredging material in the 1940s. The construction of the harbor led to the birth of a downdrift spit, which is several kilometers long. The use of a near-coast wave model can provide useful information on the changes the wave climate may undergo if the sea level rises. As an example, it is shown that for a particular part of the peninsula coast, the nearshore wave heights can be expected to increase by 100% during storm conditions if the sea level rises 1 m.


