Discussion of Wang, P., N. C. Kraus, and R. A. Davis, 1998. Total Longshore Sediment Transport Rate in the Surf Zone: Field Measurements and Empirical Predictions. Journal of Coastal Research, 14(1), 269-282.


  • A. W. (Sam) Smith
  • L. A. (Angus) Jackson


This is a very important paper in that it reports the status quo of the study of the littoral drift on beaches as of the year 1998. Furthermore, and unlike so many current papers on this topic, it addresses a great deal of genuine field data within its presentation, instead of those same old theoretical mathematical models. Then, even more importantly, it applies the field data to the most up-to-date mathematical formula and expressions currently used to predict the littoral drift, and reviews their apparent validity in terms of the field data. Furthermore, the authors expounded an independent reasonability check model which is of great interest and a lot of fun to read about.






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