Controls of Storms and Typhoons on Chenier Formation in Komso Bay, Western Korea
Tidal flat, southeastern Yellow Sea, sedimentology, macrotidal coast, typhoon TedAbstract
The high tidal flat of Komso Bay shows a typical chenier or shelly sand ridge, about 860 m long, 30-60 m wide, and up to 1.8 m high. Vertical sections of trenches across the chenier show gently landward-dipping interbeds of coarse to medium-grained shelly sands. Based on aerial photographs taken for the penod of 1967-1989, sand shoals on the tidal mudflat migrated landward to form the chenier. Typhoon Ted In 1992, entering the southeastern Yellow Sea, forced the chenier to migrate further inland, resulting in a displacement of up to 11 m in a few days. Field measurements on the morphology of the chenier over a two-year period from 1990-1992 indicated that winter storms are chiefly responsible for the migration at a rate of 4-5 m per year. These facts suggest that strong waves and currents under the conditions of typhoons and/ or storms have dominantly forced the chenier to migrate landward onto the muddy high tidal flat.