Geomorphology and Contemporary Evolution of the Western Polish Coast


  • Leszek J. Kaszubowski


Maine transgressions, geotectonics, Baltic Sea, coastal classification, coastal erosion


Geotectonically, the western Polish Coast covers the area of the Epicaledonian platform zone. The shores consist almost entirely of Quaternary deposits. Outcrops of older bedrock and glacial xenoliths occur only in some places. At present, the western Polish coast has a decisively transgressive character. The contemporary transgression of the Baltic Sea is recorded here. In this area the shoreline is steadily shifting southwards. The rate of the shoreline recession is slightly differentiated, the general trend having the value of 0.5-1.5 m/yr. The new classification of sea shores of the western Polish coast is presented. On the basis of the genesis of deposits which create the coastal zone, the following fundamental types of sea shores have been designated: glaciogenic, fluvioglacial, lacustrine, alluvial and spit ones. The contemporary evolution trends of this coast are presented as the value of the accumulation or erosion of sea shore in 20th century.


