Dynamic Structures and Their Sedimentation Effects in Huangmaohai Estuary, China
Based on data collected from three cruises of hydrographic survey carried out during 1985-1991 and numerical modeling the present paper provides a brief analysis on the dynamics of Huangmaohai Estuary, emphasizing on the low frequency of Bow patterns or circulation. Labeled water parcel trajectories are calculated to reveal the Lagrangian motion. Velocity distribution of the estuary indicates a low energy zone in the mid estuary that acts as a sediment trap. Three large scale dynamic structures are found in the estuary along the North and East Channel which have profound effects on the modem sedimentation. They are from north to south (1) vertical density driven circulation, (2) gorge jet current and (3) horizontal circulation. The effects of estuarine dynamics on the sedimentation process, especially those concerning the river mouth bar, are then discussed.