Chemical Element Distribution In the Surface Sediments of Kane Basin


  • Joseph H. Kravitz
  • Frederic R. Siegel


Transition elements, relict sediment, detritus, clay-size fraction, bathymetry, sediment source


Magnesium and a suite of first transition elements were analysed in the 2cm fraction of glacial marine surface sediments of the Kane Basin. HIgh concentrations of Mg, Mn. Cr. Co, Ni, Cu and Ti were observed in the western basin in relict sediment, tentatively identified as Ellesmere Island till, containing abundant mahe and carbonate rock detritus. However, Fe and Zn were enriched in the eastern basin when Zn-rich soil and vegetative detritus from Inglefield Land contribute to the sediment source. Unlike other high latitude glacial marine argillaceous sediments which are generally depleted in element concentrations with respect to low-latitude deep-sea clays (Naide and Hood, 1972; Naide et al., 1975, 1976 , the Kane Basin clay size fraction is enriched in Fe, Mg, Ti, Cr and Zn, and depleted in Mn, Ni, when compared with tropical-temperate (non-polar) pelagic sediments. The Kane Basin sediment is enriched in Mg, Cr, Co, Ti and Zn, and depleted in Fe, Mn, Ni and Cu with respect to low latitude deep-sea clays. The bathymetry of Kane Basin, current activity there, and detritus derived from various provenances are responsible for this and are reflected by the elemental distribution in the basin's modern sediments.



