Wave Measurement in Iceland
Wave measurement, wave recording, wave analysis, wave hindcasting, wave distrurbance, ship movementsAbstract
The Research Section of the Icelandic Harbour Authority (lHA) is responsible for collecting data for the design, construction and maintenance of harbours in Iceland. To fulfill these requirements, the IHA runs 9 accelerometer buoys and 5 pressure guages with various types of computers for data analyses. The research section also runs a hydraulic laboratory with irregular wave generators and other facilities for wave distubance tests with moored ships and stability tests of rubble mound breakwaters. Field observation of ship behavior at berth has been undertaken with the Icelandic system for measuring ship movements. This paper summarizes wave measurement in Iceland, the locations of recordings and experiences as well as offshore hindcast data, and closes with a description of a specific example of wave recordings. During the last few years the wave measurement program has focused on collecting simultaneous wave data both offshore and inshore near harbours to secure data on tidal range, long period waves, wave setup, surges and wind waves.