Action Packed Art Education: Shooting for Higher Learning through Material Culture and Video Games


  • Cindy Hasio The Art Institute of Fort Worth


Material Culture, Visual Culture, Preservice Art Education


In this article, I describe how to teach elements and principles of art through the virtual worlds of video games, how games are part of material culture, experiences of teaching video games in the classroom and their social interactions. At the end of this article, I list ideas and offer a lesson plan using video games to promote social justice. Through virtual and technological lenses, material culture examines multi-sensory simulation, situated learning, and social realism gaming schemas (Parks, 2008). Web based electronic communication can become multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary study through forums about video games and how individuals solve problems together to advance to the next level. Through video games, material culture studies integrate with various academic disciplines and draws on a wide range of gaming study that enrich learning in art education.

Author Biography

Cindy Hasio, The Art Institute of Fort Worth

Dr. Cindy Hasio is an art instructor at the Art Institute of Fort Worth and teaches graphic design and studio drawing classes. She is an animator, cartoonist and teaches art to veterans. She owns her own non-profit 501(3)c, Creative Souldier.


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Action Packed Art Education: Shooting for Higher Learning through Material Culture and Video Games





