Farewell, and Welcome to New Editor


  • Tom Anderson Florida State University Department of Art Education


art for life, art education, art therapy, social justice


This is my last issue as editor for The Journal of Art for Life. I am retiring after 34 years of service to the Florida State University Department of Art Education. It has been a rich and rewarding experience serving as editor, but now it’s time to pass the mantle and welcome Sara Scott Shields as the new senior editor of JAfL. Sara is a brilliant young scholar with her finger on the pulse of current trends and issues in art education, as well as a deep and abiding knowledge of traditional concerns. In addition, she is informed and curious about current topics and themes in arts administration and art therapy. The executive review committee, made up of members of the art education, arts administration, and art therapy faculty at FSU will continue to play an active role in supporting Sara as she sets a course and reviews submissions. One thing will not change. As in the past, the journal will continue make social justice its guiding principle, giving precedence to submissions that focus on an art-for-life orientation. If you have scholarly work you think fits this criterion, Sara welcomes your submissions, input, and support. I believe the future of the journal is in good hands and I urge you to submit your work and support The Journal of Art for Life.



