Some Possible Economic Consequences of a Severe Outbreak of Tristeza to the Florida Orange Industry Roy G. Stout, Cecil N. Smith, Wilson B. Riggan, Chen Tuan 21 - 24 PDF
The Influence of Pruning on Size and Quality of Florida Grapefruit D. W. Kretchman, P. J. Jutras 35 - 41 PDF
Distribution of Microorganisms, Citrus Feeder Roots, Nitrate Production and Nutrients in The Profile of Leon, Scranton, Immokalee, and Blanton Fine Sands Harry W. Ford, Charles F. Eno 49 - 52 PDF
The Influence of Chemical Fruit-Set Sprays on Yield and Quality of Citrus A. H. Krezdorn, M. Cohen 53 - 60 PDF
A Comparison of Rootstocks for Tahiti Lime on Rockdale Soils in Florida C. W. Campbell, F. B. Lincoln 61 - 62 PDF
The Use of Leaf, Fruit, and Soil Analysis in Estimating Potassium Status of Orange Trees R. C. J. Koo 67 - 72 PDF
Range of Pathogenicity of Florida Cultures of The Foot Rot Fungus Gordon R. Grimm, Rodney Whidden 73 PDF
Aseptic Growth of Radopholus Similis (Cobb) Thorne on Okra Root Callus Tissue William A. Feder, Philip C. Hutchins, Rodney Whidden 74 - 76 PDF
A Nitrogen Source Experiment with Valencia Oranges on Two Soil Types in the Indian River Area David V. Calvert, R. R. Hunziker, Herman J. Reitz 77 - 81 PDF
Effects of 1961-62 Winter Freezes on Valencia Oranges in Florida, Texas and California W. C. Cooper, Ascension Peynado, J. R. Furr 82 - 88 PDF
Thirty-Year Records (1932-1961) of Costs and Productivity of Marsh Grapefruit in Southern Lake County Werner Husmann, Louis W. Ziegler, Marshall R. Godwin 104 - 109 PDF
Character Differences Among Seedlings of the Persian Lime Philip C. Reece, J. F. L. Childs 110 - 116 PDF
A Comparison of In-The-Row and Over-All Soil Fumigation for the Control of Plant Nematodes H. L. Rhoades, W. T. Scudder, E. S. Holmes 125 - 129 PDF
Plant Nematode Distribution as Affected by Crop History of Sandy Soils in South Florida J. A. Winchester, N. C. Hayslip, A. E. Ketschmer, Jr. 139 - 142 PDF
Insecticidal Control of the Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia NI (HBN.) in the Hastings, Florida Area R. B. Workman 143 - 145 PDF
The Response of Sweet Peppers in Everglades Organic Soils to Pand K Fertilization Charles C. Hortenstine 146 - 152 PDF
Adaptable Varieties, Herbicides and Plant Spacing for Bulb Onions on Sandy Land D. G. A. Kelbert, D. S. Burgis 153 - 155 PDF
Effect of Time of Seeding and Varieties on Onion Production and Quality When Grown in Two Soil Types V. L. Guzman, N. C. Hayslip 156 - 162 PDF
The Survey of Xanthomonas Vesicatoria Resistance to Streptomycin P. L. Thayer, R. E. Stall 163 - 165 PDF
Effects of Amino Acid Antimetabolites Upon Nematodes and Tomatoes A. J. Overman, S. S. Woltz 166 - 169 PDF
Comparison of Covered to Non-Covered Side Dressing of Urea, Ammonium Nitrate, Uran, Feran and Calcium Nitrate on Sweet Corn G. M. Volk 170 - 175 PDF
Effectiveness of Various Methods of Applying Systemic Insecticides to Tomatoes R. M. Baranowski 176 - 179 PDF
Tomato Variety Evaluation on Sandy Soils for Pink Harvest Norman C. Hayslip, Paul H. Everett 180 - 183 PDF
Insecticides and Intervals Between Applications for Leafminer Control on Celery Emmett D. Harris, Jr. 184 - 188 PDF
Concentration of N6 Benzyladenine, Temperature and Time Effects on Retardation of Senescence in Celery and Endive V. L. Guzman 196 - 200 PDF
Compatibility of Insecticides, Fungicides, and Foliar Fertilizers on Watermelon N. C. Schenck, W. C. Adlerz 209 - 211 PDF
Progress Report on Pole Bean Breeding at the Sub-Tropical Experiment Station Robert A. Conover 212 - 214 PDF
Time of Planting and Harvesting of Tender Vegetable Crops in the Quincy, Florida, Area H. W. Young 218 - 219
Fungicidal Control of Watermelon Foliage Diseases, 1958-1961 N. C. Schenck, J. M. Crall 223 - 228 PDF
Growth Rates and Projecting Yields in Celery Production Roy G. Stout, Raymond H. Hancock 229 - 233 PDF
Possibilities of Improving Eating Quality of Shipped Fresh Corn with the High Sugar Retention Property of the Shrunken 2 Character Emil A. Wolf 236 - 239 PDF
Evaluation of Petroleum and Plastic Resin Sprays as Soil Sealants and Mulches for Vegetables J. F. Darby, W. T. Scudder, B. F. Whitner 240 - 248 PDF
A Study of Sources, Rates and Methods of Application of Nitrogen on Sweet Corn W. K. Robertson 249 - 252 PDF
Growing Tomatoes and Cucumbers with High Analysis Fertilizer and Plastic Mulch C. M. Geraldson 253 - 259 PDF
Intraseasonal Variations in the Nutrient Content of Young Tomato Leaves Paul G. Orth, R. W. Harkness 260 - 268 PDF
Three Year Study on Hesperidin Recovery as Related to Valencia Orange Maturity R. Hendrickson, J. W. Kesterson 289 - 291 PDF
The Relationships among Several Physical and Chemical Measurements Made on Oranges W. C. Long 292 - 294 PDF
Some Effects of Treatment Conditions on the Color-Adding of Temple Oranges F. W. Hayward, W. G. Long, M. F. Oberbacher 295 - 296 PDF
Varietal Differences in Firmness and Placental Breakdown on Tomatoes C. B. Hall, J. M. Walter 304 - 306 PDF
The Occurrence and Evaluation of Pectin in Component Parts of Valencia Oranges During Maturation A. H. Rouse, C. D. Atkins, E. L. Moore 307 - 310 PDF
The Effects of Storage Conditions on Sugar Content of Fresh Blackeye Peas F. W. Knapp, G. D. Kuhn 311 - 317 PDF
Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice-Development and Significance L. G. MacDowell, E. L. Moore, C. D. Atkins 318 - 319 PDF
An Air-Flow Pattern for Truck Shipments of Citrus Packed in the 4/5-Bushel Corrugated Carton Russell H. Hinds, Jr. 320 - 322 PDF
Decay and Rind Breakdown of Oranges in Fiber-Board Cartons and Wirebound Boxes A. A. McCornack, E. F. Hopkins 323 - 325 PDF
Relation Between Hunter Color-Difference Meter Values and Visual Color of Commercial Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice F. W. Wenzel, R. L. Huggart 331 - 335 PDF
Cloud and Flavor Stability in Relation to Density of Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice Theo J. Kew 342 - 348 PDF
Further Observation on Holding 6-oz. Cans of Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice at Room Temperature and 40° F D. I. Murdock, Charles H. Brokaw 349 - 357 PDF
Adaptation Trials of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits on Sandy Soils in Broward County, Florida C. W. Campbell, J. Popenoe, H. Y. Ozaki 361 - 362 PDF
Effects Of Nitrogen, Potassium and Calcium Fertilization on Kent Mangos on Deep, Acid, Sandy Soil T. W. Young, Robert C. J. Koo, James T. Miner 364 - 370 PDF
Distribution of Peach Roots in Lakeland Fine Sand and the Influence of Fertility Levels C. G. Lyons, Jr., A. H. Krezdorn 371 - 376 PDF
Effect of Temperature on Germination of Okinawa Peach Seeds R. H. Biggs, Mary C. Langan 379 - 380 PDF
A New Technique for Inducing Early Fruiting in Mango Hybrids Based on the Movement of Hormones L. B. Singh 410 - 411 PDF
Pollination and Fruit Set of Yellow Passionfruit in Southern Florida R. J. Knight, Jr., H. F. Winters 412 - 417 PDF
Herbicide Trials with Young Tropical and Sub-tropical Fruit and Nut Trees Murray H. Gaskins, Harold F. Winters 418 - 420 PDF
Comparison of Wrapping and Scion Coating Materials in Grafting Pecans S. E. McFadden, Jr. 421 - 426 PDF
Effect of Gamma Rays on Chrysanthemum Morifolium 'Bluechip' Grown at Various Nutritional Levels R. T. Poole 443 - 446 PDF
Growth and Flowering of Bougainvillea Glabra 'Sander' as Affected by Photoperiod and Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Jasper N. Joiner, R. D. Dickey, T. J. Sheehan 447 - 448 PDF
Variable Photoperiod and CCC Effects on Growth and Flowering of Gardenia Jasminoides 'Veitchii' J. N. Joiner, R. T. Poole 449 - 450 PDF
Effects of Photoperiod, Propagation Date and Dwarfing Compounds on Growth and Flowering of Poinsettias Jasper N. Joiner, T. J. Sheehan 451 - 455 PDF
Effects of Fertilization Rates and Frequencies on Potted Chrysanthemum Production W. E. Waters 460 - 463 PDF
Necrotic Ringspot, A Virus Disease of Ligustrum Spp. Harry C. Burnett, Charles O. Youtsey 472 - 475 PDF
Effects of Container Size, Time in Container and Transplanting Method on Growth of Podocarpus Macrophylla Maki, Rhododendron Indicum 'Formosa' and Ligustrum Japonicum R. D. Dickey 491 - 494 PDF
Rosa Fortuneana Compared with Other Rose Rootstocks Grown in Florida S. E. McFadden, Jr. 497 - 500 PDF