Vol. 113 (2000): Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society

Flowering response of three spathiphyllum cultivars to treatment with three levels of gibberellic acid

R. J. Henny
University of Florida
front cover of vol 113, 2000

Published 2000-12-01


Spathiphyllum cultivars Petite, Taylor's Green and Viscount were treated to induce flowering with 0, 125 or 250 ppm gibberellic acid (GA3) applied as a single foliar spray during August. None of the control plants (0 ppm) had flowered at fourteen weeks after treatment, whereas 100% flowering was observed in cultivars Petite and Taylor's Green at both the 125 and 250 ppm gibberellic acid levels. All plants of the cultivar Viscount also flowered at the 250 ppm rate but only 60% flowered at 125 ppm gibberellic acid. Petite produced the highest total flower count after 14 weeks followed by Taylor's Green and Viscount which produced the smallest number of flowers in this experiment.