Vol. 127 (2014): Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society

The effects of foliar applied Soar® micronutrients and biostimulants on yield of tomato (cv. Phoenix) in Florida

A. Csizinszky
2014 Proceedings Florida State Horticultural Society Volume 127

Published 2018-03-15


Tomato for the fresh market is the most important vegetable crop in Florida. In 2004-2005, tomatoes were harvested from 42,000 acres (Fla. Agr. Stat. Directory, 2006). Production was 62.16 million cartons (25-lb/carton) for a value of U.S. $ 804,972 million. In average years, tomato growers receive high prices for their produce early in the season and for extra-large fruit. Consequently, they are searching for methods to increase early yield and fruit size in an economical manner. The application of biostimulants to vegetables claimed to increase earliness, fruit set and fruit size.