Turfgrass management in the twenty-first century will be influenced by new and dominating factors including water quality, conservation, nutrient and pesticide management. These upcoming issues will place new demands on how turfgrass supervisors will manage turfgrass areas. Concerns for the environment coupled with governmental regulations will pressure turfgrass managers into modifying their turfgrass management techniques. These changes will include the consideration of alternative irrigation sources, minimal pesticide use and efficient fertilizer management. One turfgrass that may play an instrumental role in turfgrass management strategies will be Seashore Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz). This grass has the potential to incorporate multiple turfgrass uses, along with minimal pesticide use and efficient uptake of nutrients. In order to support Seashore Paspalum as a turfgrass to be considered for recreational use in the future, St. Lucie County Extension and Parks and Recreation personnel engaged in a two pronged systematic approach to establishing Seashore Paspalum. The first area was established through plugging. If establishment was successful the county would agree to invest in the sodding of a baseball infield for further evaluation.