Three foliar applications of 6% 3N:18P[sub2]O[sub5]:18K[sub2]O liquid fertilizer in December to 35-year-old 'Valencia' (Citrus sinensis L.) on rough lemon (C. limon L. Burm. f.) during the 1985/ 86 crop year increased fruit size and weight, but reduced juice content and total soluble solids. Fruit from sprayed trees was greener than fruit from unsprayed trees. Concentrations in the leaves of P, K, Mn, and Zn increased in response to foliar applications. Seven-year-old 'Valencia' on Cleopatra (C. reticulata Blanco) trees were sprayed three times with low-biuret urea in December 1996. Fruit quality analysis of five composite samples of five fruit per tree in May 1997 showed that the fruit from urea-sprayed trees was larger, heavier, and greener, but that juice content, total soluble solids, and solids/acid ratios were lower in fruit from urea-sprayed trees. There was no significant difference in yield.