Vol. 118 (2005): Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society
Keynote Presentation

Agclimate: a climate forecast information system for agricultural risk management in the Southeastern USA

2005 Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society

Published 2005-12-01


  • el ni&ntilde,
  • o,
  • enso,
  • decision making


AgClimate is a response to the need for information and tools on proactive adaptations to seasonal climate variability forecasts in the southeastern US. Extension agents, agricultural producers, forest managers, crop consultants, and policy makers may use this decision support system to aid in decision making concerning management adjustments in light of climate forecasts. Adaptations include those that maximize yields as well as others that might mitigate potential losses. AgClimate is a web-based climate forecast and information system that was designed and implemented in partnership with state Extension Services. It has two main components: the front end interface and a set of dynamic tools. The website was deployed in a Linux environment with specific applications and Perl modules installed. The main navigation menu includes the AgClimate tools, forecasts, crops, forestry, pasture, livestock, and a climate and El Nintilde;o section with background information. The tools section contains two applications or tools that allow a user to exam the climate forecast for his/her county based on the ENSO phase and to evaluate yield potentials for certain crops.