A list of 135 produce importers in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties in Florida was obtained from the Blue Book. A survey was designed and then sent to these importers to identify four vegetables, four fruits, and four root and tuber items with the most demand that they are currently importing. Also, the importers were asked about the advantages and disadvantages of importing produce in comparison to purchasing Florida-grown produce. Government regulations and shipping problems were mentioned as disadvantages of importing produce. A longer production season and more volume were mentioned as advantages of importing produce into the United States. Mango, papaya, asparagus, and ginger were among the fruits, vegetables, and roots and tubers that were most in demand. When the importers were asked if their buyers prefer Florida-grown produce over imported produce, 75% of them expressed the opinion that at the importer and wholesaler levels this was not an issue. In addition, 19% thought it was important for importers and wholesalers to know the origin of the produce while 6% were unsure about this issue.