Strawberries (Fragaria ×ananassa Duchesne) valued at about $314 million were produced on 8,800 acres in Florida during 2009. Episodes of sap beetles (Nitidulidae, principally Lobiopa insularis and Haptoncus luteolus) entering fields in late winter, chewing holes in ripe fruit and reproducing there occur annually in most fields. The presence of small numbers of adults or their larvae in fresh fruit inflicts significant economic damage. Pesticides presently available for control have been inadequate and growers have relied largely on field sanitation, including removal of all ripe fruit regardless of sales value, to reduce losses. Those costly measures sometimes result in unacceptable sap beetle presence. Experiments were conducted in both 2009 and 2010 to determine the usefulness of aqueous sprays of novaluron, the benzoylurea inhibitor of chitin biosynthesis insecticide (an insect growth regulator), for management of sap beetle larvae. Results indicate that novaluron insecticide applied at 36 fluid ounces per acre per season in various spray concentrations and intervals in the late season provided excellent control of larvae.