Alion 200 SC® (indaziflam) is a promising new herbicide under development by Bayer CropScience for proposed use in perennial tree crops, including citrus. The new herbicide is for the preemergence control of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses. Alion 200 SC belongs to the alkylazine chemical class of herbicides. Indaziflam inhibits cell wall biosynthesis and acts on meristematic cell growth affecting germinating weeds prior to emergence. The herbicide can be used alone or in tank-mix combinations with various pre- and/or postemergence products. In 2009, two field trials were initiated in a young citrus grove in St. Lucie and DeSoto counties. Alion 200 SC was applied at 5.13 to 6.84 oz/acre in tank-mix combinations with glyphosate and compared with existing registered residual herbicide tank-mixes. In St. Lucie County, Alion 200 SC, when applied with glyphosate, provided greater than 83% overall weed control at 4 months after application at both 5 and 6.5 oz/acre. In DeSoto County, Alion 200 SC provided 90% control of all weeds at 88 d after treatment (DAT) when applied at 6.84 oz/acre.